Thursday, January 29, 2009
Hopey changey stuff
Obama has his ethics rule for lobbyist. Seem the tax cheat Tim Geithner hired a lobbyist to be his chief of staff. This guy was a lobbyist for Goldman Sachs. See Hot Air post on this. Ed points out three ethics violations. Of course I forgot, Obama doesn't have to follow the rules.
Monday, January 26, 2009
The party of death
The house negro has reversed the policy not to give money to family planning/abortion clinics in countries around the world. He also supported infanticide while a state senator in Illinois. He also stated he would not punish his daughters with a baby if they make a mistake. House speaker Nancy Pelosi now states that contraception is needed to help states and their budgets. The democratic party is the party of death. When the house negro passes his freedom of choice act, watch out. These people are the new doctors of death.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Idiots who make idiotic decisions
Only an idiot would close Gitmo. These are the worst of the worst. They are where they need to be and not on our soil. Perhaps if the house negro would go serve some meals to these terrorists as part of his service to America program, it may educate him some versus the asinine advice he is getting. Let them throw some feces, etc. in his face like what happens to our soldiers guarding them. He has suspended the military tribunals. What are his plans? Does he plan to bring these guys into our court system? They compare the house negro to Abraham Lincoln. At a time of war, the house negro is proving himself to be a complete idiot, nothing like Lincoln.
One more point. Rush Limbaugh has a thriving business with Gitmo.
One more point. Rush Limbaugh has a thriving business with Gitmo.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The house negro has some interesting stuff on his new website. Let's look at the house negro's ineptitude in his recent dealings. Bill Richardson, nominated for Commerce secretary, was thrown under the bus due to his pay for play scandal as govenor. Eric Holder, nominated for attorney general, was behind the Rich pardon and the FARC terrorist's pardon under Clinton. Bypassed justice department for this pardon and the FARC terrorists pardon. Tim Geithner, nominated for treasury secretary, forgot to pay taxes for several years but corrected that when the house negro nominated him.
The house negro had several gaffes on the campaign trail. This post would be very long if I listed all but the best are "spread the wealth around", "punish her with a baby", visited "57 states" and many many more.
House Negro, you are inept far beyond President Bush. Remember, it was a democratic mayor of New Orleans and a democratic govenor of Louisiana who ineptitude did not get those people evacuated. President Bush had to play janitor to clean up your democrat's mess, and what a mess it was. Didn't see you down there helping out or painting walls.
The house negro had several gaffes on the campaign trail. This post would be very long if I listed all but the best are "spread the wealth around", "punish her with a baby", visited "57 states" and many many more.
House Negro, you are inept far beyond President Bush. Remember, it was a democratic mayor of New Orleans and a democratic govenor of Louisiana who ineptitude did not get those people evacuated. President Bush had to play janitor to clean up your democrat's mess, and what a mess it was. Didn't see you down there helping out or painting walls.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
It is truly amazing
The house negro worship is amazing. I will not jump on this ship. I will not support his policies. I will not join with the dems for unity.
The house negro has been compared to Lincoln, MLK, Kennedy. He is none of the above. He had a chance to state his views on conception of life with Rick Warren and his answer was "is above my pay grade". That is punting. Lincoln was clear on slavery. MLK was clear on civil rights. Kennedy was clear on Cuba. The house negro has done this his whole political career. Deep down he is a Marxist socialist. He and his wife hate this country and want to change it to their image. His photo op on Monday at the homeless shelter painting, when is his next volunteering photo op? Do you actually think he painted the entire room? An entire wall? He is the master of bullsh*t and Axelrod knows how to show it and use it to their advantage.
When will the so called Republicans in the legislature get some backbone? Why do they want his policies to succeed? This inauguration is historic only in the sense that it is the first black president to be sworn in but the cult atmosphere is ridiculous. Not only the morons from the country who made the pilgrimage to see this charlatan, but he also has the legislature ready to back him on anything, Repubs and dems. Brown nosers the lot of them.
The house negro has been compared to Lincoln, MLK, Kennedy. He is none of the above. He had a chance to state his views on conception of life with Rick Warren and his answer was "is above my pay grade". That is punting. Lincoln was clear on slavery. MLK was clear on civil rights. Kennedy was clear on Cuba. The house negro has done this his whole political career. Deep down he is a Marxist socialist. He and his wife hate this country and want to change it to their image. His photo op on Monday at the homeless shelter painting, when is his next volunteering photo op? Do you actually think he painted the entire room? An entire wall? He is the master of bullsh*t and Axelrod knows how to show it and use it to their advantage.
When will the so called Republicans in the legislature get some backbone? Why do they want his policies to succeed? This inauguration is historic only in the sense that it is the first black president to be sworn in but the cult atmosphere is ridiculous. Not only the morons from the country who made the pilgrimage to see this charlatan, but he also has the legislature ready to back him on anything, Repubs and dems. Brown nosers the lot of them.
So long
Farewell President Bush. Even though I am extremely unhappy with your approach to the financial mess, your hard work to keep us safe I will always remember. Thank you for your service to the country.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Had enough yet?
This house negro lovefest is getting ridiculous. Saturday he pledged to help bring the nation “a new Declaration of Independence”. What does that mean? He wants people to think he's a reincarnation of Lincoln, King, etc. when he is not. He is an American hating socialist from Chicago with his America hating wife. I do not see much hope out of this idiot, I do see a lot of scary times ahead. Get your wallet out, the government will be huge.
Our Govt. at work
Pelosi would be ok with investigation and possible prosecution of Bush administration officials who Conyers said broke the law. Let's see, Pelosi has used her office to enrich herself, Rangel continues to legislate, even with his failure to pay taxes, etc. She is the San Francisco treat.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Remember forever
Here is the first lady elect and her famous "I am really proud of my country" speech. No matter how much the house negro tried to spin it, she said it twice, in back to back speeches. These two are America hating socialists. Half the electorate are happy. Half of the electorate would like to shoot the other half.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Our Worthless Senator
Senator Lugar voted for a massive omnibus bill stuffed with earmarks. Why is this guy still representing Hoosiers?
Friday, January 9, 2009
UAW concessions? Fat Chance
Our buddy from the UAW Orville Plumlee was on the news again touting how wonderful it is that benefits to retired workers will not be cut. Let's see, paying people for doing nothing is not a good business plan. If the UAW does not plan to give in on retiree's benefits, do not expect concessions on anything else. Doesn't that make all of you happy that the retirees will not lose any benefits because of your tax dollars? Orville also mentioned "We all value the contributions that the retirees have made throughout the years who essentially have built this country. We all should appreciate those who have come before us.” Orville, I do appreciate my elders but not to the extent that my tax dollars are bailing out a retirement plan. What is it with autoworkers? Are they to stupid to save for their retirement like the rest of us? Autoworkers did not build this country. They had very little to contribute to that. What about the farmers, the construction workers, the financial people, etc. Orville? With the libtards in control, these idiots will always have jobs. Half the work they do could be done by robots but you will never see that happen. I for one cannot wait for the civil war that a lot of people can see coming.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Chief Performance Officer??????
The house negro has created a new position to watch for wasteful spending in government agencies. Isn't wasteful spending to create a new position to oversee what should be overseen by Congress who is supposed to be doing this? I wonder how many other new positions are being created by the house negro to get all his campaign donors government jobs? A chief performance officer will also need an office, a staff, computers, blackberries, etc. All at the expense of, let's all say in unison, the taxpayer. Half of the electorate in this country are getting what they voted for, more government. What if this performance officer starts messing with government contracts with private firms who donated to McCain? Watch with amazement. This is Illinois cronyism coming to Washington.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A Man I Loved
Before you get crazy homosexual ideas, this is about my father in law, Bud Ford. Bud died on Dec. 30th. I loved Bud. We did a lot of things together and we had a good time doing it. He loved his family and we returned his love. I will miss Bud as will many people. We will join him in Heaven when the Lord calls us home. God Bless you Bud.
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