Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Thanks for nothing Obama

Obama had his responsibility summit yesterday. MM had a great post on this and her barrel of monkeys. Had to laugh. She is right though, it was a dog and pony show. Obama has the stock market down and going down further. This guy is a complete moron and having no experience is showing. Leadership? Nothing of the sort. It is party time in D.C. That is what he wants.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Union blues

Have to give a thank you to Senator Lugar and Congressman Souder for their no votes on HR 1, SanFranNan's massive spending bill. Now they can have fun with the automakers. Seems the UAW isn't giving the concessions needed to make the companies profitable. Didn't I warn about that back when the bailout for Detroit was being considered? How can any business pay former employees for not working? Pay for former employees health insurance? The list goes on.

The steelworkers' union was out marching around the courthouse last weekend. I think they thought that Souder and Lugar had offices there. Wrong courthouse boys. Lugar does not even have a local office. Interesting thing was the American flags, buy American, etc. type logos on their placards. I will make sure on this large building our company is putting up, non union steelworkers are employed. I promise the next vehicle I buy will be foreign. I promise to look for "made in the USA" logo on anything before I buy. If I think unions were involved in the manufacture, I will not buy. I promise to never support a union or buy anything union made.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Presser

Obama urged during his campaign to end the politics of fear. The politics of fear is what he has been using. He has been blaming Republicans for the lack of bipartisanship. He even commented on baseball's new cheat after having three tax cheats nominated to cabinet posts. Where is the morality? Oh, I forgot, he would abort his own grandchildren. He has no morals. I can still smell the sulfur.

Monday, February 9, 2009

We are being Invaded

Obama is in Elkhart, Indiana today. I can smell the sulfur all the way in Fort Wayne,,,, The dems destroy the automobile market along with the RV market. Do not see any Republicans running them into the ground. And they wonder why Elkhart has 15% unemployment. Don't worry though Elkhartians, Obama probably has plenty of money for his re-education camps in this stimulus. Why the townhall? Isn't the election over? Or did he just missed being worshipped by the throngs? Bow down and worship the monkey!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Lugar Must Go!

Sen. Lugar needs to go. First he votes for the expansion of SCHIP. Next he writes an op-ed in the Washington Post and is reported in the local rag. This guy just thinks we are made of money. Does Washington D.C. put the Obama koolaid in the water supply? But no folks, we need to use less or pay more so the elites have plenty of jet fuel for their trips to their ski lodges, vacation homes, etc. For someone who claims to be a Republican, he sure is acting and voting like a demoncrat.