Friday, December 5, 2008

Springsteen, go away

I keep hearing Bruce Springsteen's Christmas songs on WMEE, a station playing Christmas songs 24/7. Springsteen's free concerts/vote parties for our house negro during the election makes me turn the radio off when I hear his songs. Scroll down to his speech in Cleveland. Where does he get the idea of "The right of every American to a job, a living wage, to be educated in a decent school, to a life filled with the dignity of work, promise, and the sanctity of home"? Where in the Bill of Rights do we have these guarantees? He is just another socialist, a communist with a small c. I never did like his music and especially his attitude. I cannot figure out how he can make any political statement with his limited intelligence but the democratic national committee probably supplies him with talking points. He had a song I remember from the start of the MTV era called Born in the USA. He wrapped himself in the flag in that video because that sold his music. He is no patriot and he has proven that time and time again. His songwriting abilities are nothing to write home about. I guess his concerts are what drives his popularity. You hardly ever hear his music being played on the radio and I bet our house negro does not have him on his iPod. Can we just wish him an early retirement. These 60 year old ex rock stars need to go away.

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