Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Another house negro
I heard the comments Colin Powell made about Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin on CNN. I try to listen to Rush daily. Yesterday he gave Powell both barrels. And well deserved I might add. Rush is right on Powell, McCain and the whole bunch of "moderate" Republicans. I had to hold my nose to vote for McCain. Powell is just another house negro looking to suck up to the incoming POTUS. This whole Washington crowd needs to go, the politicians, media, staffs, etc. Just another racist attack by a member of the most racist organization in the country, the democratic party.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
As Predicted
As predicted in my Dec. 9th post, Souder voted for the bailout for the UAW. Great news for taxpayers. We are paying for UAW worker's job banks. A nifty little program where UAW members who are not working get paid 95% of their normal pay to sit at the union hall. We are paying for UAW retiree's health care packages. Funny thing, I have to pay for mine. We are paying for a badly managed business. Souder is so much smarter than us. He voted for the financial bailout and who knows what has happened to that money. Congress certainly doesn't.
Gov. Mitch had a great comment this morning. He calls a spade a spade. While our house negro is under a cloud of suspicion, Congress is giving away the farm. I believe it is time to arm ourselves and get rid of this government. Pretty soon we will be the USSA if we are not already. Read Atlas Shrugged, it is all coming true.
Gov. Mitch had a great comment this morning. He calls a spade a spade. While our house negro is under a cloud of suspicion, Congress is giving away the farm. I believe it is time to arm ourselves and get rid of this government. Pretty soon we will be the USSA if we are not already. Read Atlas Shrugged, it is all coming true.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
A Professor with Guts
I heard this report on the news this morning. Dr. Hicks is speaking the truth, it is just a bailout for the UAW. Orville Plumlee has also had a lot more airtime threatening us. It's the same talking points with all the UAW workers they give airtime to. What they fail to mention is how the contract they have with their employees is the main reason for the failure. I could less care about how they are going to suffer and people will lose their jobs if they continue to support their union versus giving concessions to the US taxpayers.
The automakers were rolling in dough until the fuel prices hit the ceiling. SUV's, trucks, minivans were making them money. The fuel prices brought less demand for their product and they had little to offer in the way of fuel efficient vehicles. The financial mess the demoncrats created helped further the downfall. If people cannot get loans, sales are miserable. The dealers have a hard time getting inventory because they cannot get credit. No sales equals no revenue. No business could survive and most go out of business. But because the unions gave and helped elect our house negro, the legislature in Washington will bail them out. They will raise our taxes and everybody on Wall Street knows it. That is why the stock market has been tanking since the house negro got elected. Elections have consequences and folks, this is what is going to keep happening until half of the electorate wake up.
The automakers were rolling in dough until the fuel prices hit the ceiling. SUV's, trucks, minivans were making them money. The fuel prices brought less demand for their product and they had little to offer in the way of fuel efficient vehicles. The financial mess the demoncrats created helped further the downfall. If people cannot get loans, sales are miserable. The dealers have a hard time getting inventory because they cannot get credit. No sales equals no revenue. No business could survive and most go out of business. But because the unions gave and helped elect our house negro, the legislature in Washington will bail them out. They will raise our taxes and everybody on Wall Street knows it. That is why the stock market has been tanking since the house negro got elected. Elections have consequences and folks, this is what is going to keep happening until half of the electorate wake up.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Bend over folks, gird your loins,,,,,
Well, it looks like it is on. Souder flew back to Washington today after spending two days at the GM truck plant last week. I bet he got a lot of good ideas out there. Bayh was out yesterday supporting the administrations idea of one person overseeing the restructuring. Sounds like both will be supporting this massive expenditure of our tax dollars on failed business. The UAW has not offered any concessions and probably will not. When the foreign automakers in this country can turn a profit and these three cannot, the problem is within. This bailout is to pay the UAW retirees health benefits, the UAW workers who do not work but get 95% of their pay. That is what your tax dollars are buying. There is nothing we can do to stop this. If you complain to Souder and demand he not vote for legislation as did the majority of NE Indiana, he will not listen to a majority of his constituents. Lugar will set by the sidelines and waddle his way through. He is another that needs to retire. Remember, elections have consequences and the socialism will only grow when the house negro takes office.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Springsteen, go away
I keep hearing Bruce Springsteen's Christmas songs on WMEE, a station playing Christmas songs 24/7. Springsteen's free concerts/vote parties for our house negro during the election makes me turn the radio off when I hear his songs. Scroll down to his speech in Cleveland. Where does he get the idea of "The right of every American to a job, a living wage, to be educated in a decent school, to a life filled with the dignity of work, promise, and the sanctity of home"? Where in the Bill of Rights do we have these guarantees? He is just another socialist, a communist with a small c. I never did like his music and especially his attitude. I cannot figure out how he can make any political statement with his limited intelligence but the democratic national committee probably supplies him with talking points. He had a song I remember from the start of the MTV era called Born in the USA. He wrapped himself in the flag in that video because that sold his music. He is no patriot and he has proven that time and time again. His songwriting abilities are nothing to write home about. I guess his concerts are what drives his popularity. You hardly ever hear his music being played on the radio and I bet our house negro does not have him on his iPod. Can we just wish him an early retirement. These 60 year old ex rock stars need to go away.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanks, house negro
So, George S. thinks the house negro is responsible for the upturn in the stock market last week and the 3% sales increase on Black Friday. Are we going to have to start calling it african american Friday? Ace had an article linked to this. Will the house negro be blamed for today's 680+ point drop? NO, let's blame Bush instead. If it has a small increase, credit the house negro. Like Ace said, the house negro is pulling some stunts to benefit him and any person with a brain can tell you the sell off is due a new incoming administration promising tax increases.
Alex Witt, MSNBC anchor, thought since half the country voted for the house negro, terrorism would come to a screeching halt. What planet are liberals living on. Wait until our house negro surrenders to Islam. The Sharia laws will be especially hard on the free wheeling happy go lucky libs, the homosexuals, the drug addicted black culture, etc. I am just amazed at how truly idiotic these college educated people are. But of course I see that almost everyday at a four-way stop intersection here in Fort Wayne, the one by Cherry Hills and Arlington Park. Yeah, those educated idiots out there.
H/T Ace
H/T Ace
Sunday, November 30, 2008
You Really have to Pay Attention!
Were these deer Wall Street bankers? Lots of free deer burger on I-69!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
A Perfect Stocking Stuffer
Planned Parenthood of Indiana is offering gift certificates. What a perfect stocking stuffer for your teenagers. I will make sure I get a couple for my granddaughter. WIC, which is the Womens Infants Children government agency that helps low income mothers with baby formula etc. has a link to Planned Parenthood. Expect more of the promotion of abortion with our house negro in charge.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Big Dig
Obama presented another stump speech promising millions of jobs rebuilding roads and bridges. Do you want a job in road and bridge construction? Management jobs are fine but the bulk of jobs is the labor force. I know because I have experience in that type of construction. I guess Obama has not educated himself on this subject because he will not create a single job for years. Doesn't he realize the paperwork you have to go through to just dig a hole for a government entity? The article also mentions public transportation. Maybe Citilink here in Fort Wayne can get their bailout. This is just more smoke and mirrors. All of this for just a paltry sum starting at 150 billion to 300 billion. He is an empty suit with empty promises. We are in for Carter's second term with Clinton's people.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Poor UAW workers,,,,,,sniff
A UAW worker called Pat White's show complaining about the negatives Pat was talking about. He has every Demoncrat talking point memorized. It is not their fault the labor is driving up the cost so much the auto makers cannot make any money. No, he said it was the Republican's fault for the lack of credit which in turns results in poor auto sales. Funny point I though when I have seen more Toyotas rolling around than ever before. Heck, if I can sell my gas guzzling Ford crew cab pick up, I am headed straight to Evans Toyota to buy me one. At least the local GM plant's management is trying to educate the idiots.
Call the Waaaambulance
The local newspaper circled the wagons around the GM plant workers here in Fort Wayne. The article I guess is supposed to make us more sympathetic to their plight. I say the hell with them. All these UAW thugs didn't give concessions on wages or benefits during the last contract talks. But the sad thing is they will get it. I was a dedicated Ford buyer. Not anymore. Foreign automobiles for me from here on out. How do Toyota and Honda make it? They do not pay ridiculous wages, pay people to not work, pay retiree's health costs, etc. These UAW members are so stupid they blame jobs moving out of the country on the government. They should be looking in the mirror.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Makes Me Want to go to the Gun Range
Our "house negro" Obama is noticeably absent. The stock market is tanking and if he would tell investors he is not going to raise taxes the damage would lessen. His chief of staff, Emanuel, is saying the economic mess is a good thing for them and will help get legislation passed quickly. What are they planning? The UAW want our tax dollars to bail out the failed automotive manufacturing businesses and Pelosi and Reid will give them what they want next year, plan on it. Announced this morning on WOWO was Citilink asking for a bailout, another failed business. The unions are the puppetmasters and their puppets are the democrats.
Citilink is going to go to the state of Indiana and ask for emergency fuel funding. The money would come from a property tax increase in Allen County. The bus company took a beating when gas prices soared past four dollars per gallon earlier this year. Citilink officials say if their request goes through, most people would see about a 2-dollar-and-50 cent increase on their bill. If not...more route cuts could be coming.
Just another example, nationally and locally they are going to pick our pockets clean. The state Republican legislators have been busy patting themselves on the back for lower property taxes but forget to mention how they raised the sales tax. With the wasteful spending the state practices, it is no wonder. I guess the only thing I can do is sit back, send emails and encourage others to do the same. We are these peoples employers and we need to stop this. Stop it now.
Citilink is going to go to the state of Indiana and ask for emergency fuel funding. The money would come from a property tax increase in Allen County. The bus company took a beating when gas prices soared past four dollars per gallon earlier this year. Citilink officials say if their request goes through, most people would see about a 2-dollar-and-50 cent increase on their bill. If not...more route cuts could be coming.
Just another example, nationally and locally they are going to pick our pockets clean. The state Republican legislators have been busy patting themselves on the back for lower property taxes but forget to mention how they raised the sales tax. With the wasteful spending the state practices, it is no wonder. I guess the only thing I can do is sit back, send emails and encourage others to do the same. We are these peoples employers and we need to stop this. Stop it now.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
What is Wrong with a few Californians?
This is some of the left side of the aisle, carrying on as only they know how. What is wrong with homosexuals besides everything? A group of kids decide to do Christian things and what happens? The culture of hate, Pelosi's district, attack. Homosexuality is at the least a mental disorder. These people try so hard to be normal when that is the farthest from the truth. When the muslims take over, the mullahs will not take to kindly to homosexuals. They are fighting the wrong people here. Christians are tolerant. Muslims will kill them. So much for hope and change,,,, business as usual.
Friday, November 14, 2008
What in the World?
John McCain is to meet with Barack Obama. Of course it was arranged with the help of Lindsey Grahamnesty, RINO-SC. The spirit of bipartisanship. I hate that word. It always ends bad for conservatives. We are screwed,,,,,,
Rewarding Failure
I notice in the bailouts we are rewarding failure. With the auto industry, they want to reward more failure. When I went to my granddaughter's basketball game, I could clearly see they also reward failure. I asked her if they cut any players after tryouts. She said they didn't and it shows. Why would you keep bad players on a team if you are trying to win? I hear about other sports not keeping score so everybody is a winner and nobody is a loser. Is this the direction we want our society to take? From my observations, I see this rewarding failure being taught to our children at an early age. I imagine they will carry this mentality throughout there life. They should fit right in the government.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Why Unions are Bad Ideas
The Big 3 automakers want a bailout. They will run out of cash soon. I say let them go bankrupt. Then maybe they will fix the problem. The problem is labor. The unions have managed to destroy these companies. Do you know Ford is mass producing models and parking them in abandoned shopping center parking lots? They do this because the union workers will be paid even if they do not make them. Unions have men setting around their union halls getting paid by the automakers. Union rules make them. The retirement and health care packages from the past are killing them. They should just go bankrupt and then they can free themselves from the UAW. If they do not, the government will bail them out. Heck, Obama wants Bush to give them 50 billion more. We are screwed,,,,,,
The Burmese Problem
First we had the Mexican problem. That is when less than civilized people, not all are like this, enter our country with bad intentions. Here in Fort Wayne we had a bad guy named Manual Rios. He kidnapped and killed a kid and when his wife found out, he killed her and her kids. The piece of crap took his own life this year. This guy was an illegal alien who married a citizen to have the right to stay in the country.
Now NE Indiana have the Burmese. I kept hearing about these people and encountered some on the roads, they should not let them drive. They are brought into the country as refugees. The organizations that bring them in are non profits who get so much money from our government for this. You drive by the free medical clinics and that is who is there in line. An article in the paper awhile ago showed long lines at the food bank, they were the majority of people in line. So not only do these organizations bring them in, they show them how to work the system. By the way, the article about the food bank was pre election bad economy crap by a local crap journalist. It is not the economy, it is free handouts. Anyway back to the story. So now we have this large Burmese refugee population.
A Burmese man this week was charged with kidnapping and making a sex slave out of a teenager from Buffalo, NY along with a white accomplice. Beatings, chaining, forced labor were a few of the words mentioned. So here we have another Manual Rios in a Burmese body. Why are we doing this to ourselves?
Now NE Indiana have the Burmese. I kept hearing about these people and encountered some on the roads, they should not let them drive. They are brought into the country as refugees. The organizations that bring them in are non profits who get so much money from our government for this. You drive by the free medical clinics and that is who is there in line. An article in the paper awhile ago showed long lines at the food bank, they were the majority of people in line. So not only do these organizations bring them in, they show them how to work the system. By the way, the article about the food bank was pre election bad economy crap by a local crap journalist. It is not the economy, it is free handouts. Anyway back to the story. So now we have this large Burmese refugee population.
A Burmese man this week was charged with kidnapping and making a sex slave out of a teenager from Buffalo, NY along with a white accomplice. Beatings, chaining, forced labor were a few of the words mentioned. So here we have another Manual Rios in a Burmese body. Why are we doing this to ourselves?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Still Changing
Obama is making numerous mistakes. Is this the hope and change the other half of the country voted for? First let's get to the press conference last Friday.
Obama was asked at his press conference today if he’d spoken to all the “living” presidents.
“I have spoken to all of them who are living,” he responded. “I didn’t want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any seances.”
How arrogant can a person be? Well he had to call and apologize. Just one of those talking before thinking. was a total mistake. His agenda was ridiculed by the right bloggers. Now the agenda page is MIA. No more details. Obama could not keep changing the policies. Also this is nothing more than a fund raising site. Obama has set up his own transition fund. I am not an expert of the tax exempt organization rules, but this smells.
This we heard yesterday. According to the AP, Obama's legal advisers told the AP that he planned to close Guantanamo and try all of the detainees in federal courts. Then he backtracked on that and said he is not.
This shows that Obama is incapable of running an executive office. He cannot control what his staff says and what they do. This is especially frightening. This is the change we are getting. We are screwed,,,,,,,
Obama was asked at his press conference today if he’d spoken to all the “living” presidents.
“I have spoken to all of them who are living,” he responded. “I didn’t want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any seances.”
How arrogant can a person be? Well he had to call and apologize. Just one of those talking before thinking. was a total mistake. His agenda was ridiculed by the right bloggers. Now the agenda page is MIA. No more details. Obama could not keep changing the policies. Also this is nothing more than a fund raising site. Obama has set up his own transition fund. I am not an expert of the tax exempt organization rules, but this smells.
This we heard yesterday. According to the AP, Obama's legal advisers told the AP that he planned to close Guantanamo and try all of the detainees in federal courts. Then he backtracked on that and said he is not.
This shows that Obama is incapable of running an executive office. He cannot control what his staff says and what they do. This is especially frightening. This is the change we are getting. We are screwed,,,,,,,
Monday, November 10, 2008
Where is Agenda at
What happened to Obama's agenda page? It has mysteriously disappeared. Perhaps they published a piece of garbage and need to make corrections. Corrections were done to the service page and reposted at You can find screenshots around the internet. My post, II was copied and pasted directly to my blog. Since the changes, conditions were added which changed it. You wanted hope and change? We are in for four years of this idiot,,,,,,
Obama is a LIAR
Obama is a liar. Throughout his campaign, he said he would not take away guns and his surrogates promised the same. His agenda page at is MIA. It used to say he wanted to reinstate Clinton's ban on assault weapons. This is the start. Gird your loins gun owners, he is coming after you.
Friday, November 7, 2008 III
This you are going to have to read for yourself. It is unbelievable and just imagine what it will cost us taxpayers. Also check out what they plan to make employers pay for. This will most certainly put many companies out of business if it is mandatory. This is a basket of goodies no company can afford. Just today the automakers want $50 billion, some to pay health care of retirees. Companies+unions+government mandated goodies=no jobs.
This you are going to have to read for yourself. It is unbelievable and just imagine what it will cost us taxpayers. Also check out what they plan to make employers pay for. This will most certainly put many companies out of business if it is mandatory. This is a basket of goodies no company can afford. Just today the automakers want $50 billion, some to pay health care of retirees. Companies+unions+government mandated goodies=no jobs. II
Mandatory servitude,
The Obama Administration will call on Americans to serve in order to meet the nation’s challenges. President-Elect Obama will expand national service programs like AmeriCorps and Peace Corps and will create a new Classroom Corps to help teachers in underserved schools, as well as a new Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, and Veterans Corps. Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year. Obama will encourage retiring Americans to serve by improving programs available for individuals over age 55, while at the same time promoting youth programs such as Youth Build and Head Start.
The Obama Administration will call on Americans to serve in order to meet the nation’s challenges. President-Elect Obama will expand national service programs like AmeriCorps and Peace Corps and will create a new Classroom Corps to help teachers in underserved schools, as well as a new Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, and Veterans Corps. Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year. Obama will encourage retiring Americans to serve by improving programs available for individuals over age 55, while at the same time promoting youth programs such as Youth Build and Head Start.
These are from his new website,
This is priceless, I guess his campaign staff will be going to prison. How about putting Minnesota's precint people who are "finding" votes for Al Franken. No prison for Demoncrats, only the Republicans.
End Deceptive Voting Practices
Obama will sign into law his legislation that establishes harsh penalties for those who have engaged in voter fraud and provides voters who have been misinformed with accurate and full information so they can vote.
This is from his faith section, his faith we do not need. 20 years with that racist Jeremiah Wright.
In June of 2006, Senator Obama delivered what was called the most important speech on religion and politics in 40 years. Speaking before an evangelical audience, Senator Obama candidly discussed his own religious conversion and doubts, and the need for a deeper, more substantive discussion about the role of faith in American life.
This is from his defense section. Doesn't sound like he is going to end any wars does it? What is he planning?
Expand to Meet Military Needs on the Ground: Barack Obama and Joe Biden support plans to increase the size of the Army by 65,000 soldiers and the Marines by 27,000 troops. Increasing our end strength will help units retrain and re-equip properly between deployments and decrease the strain on military families.
I will keep the review up later. Two sections I have read raised numerous red flags! How about you?
This is priceless, I guess his campaign staff will be going to prison. How about putting Minnesota's precint people who are "finding" votes for Al Franken. No prison for Demoncrats, only the Republicans.
End Deceptive Voting Practices
Obama will sign into law his legislation that establishes harsh penalties for those who have engaged in voter fraud and provides voters who have been misinformed with accurate and full information so they can vote.
This is from his faith section, his faith we do not need. 20 years with that racist Jeremiah Wright.
In June of 2006, Senator Obama delivered what was called the most important speech on religion and politics in 40 years. Speaking before an evangelical audience, Senator Obama candidly discussed his own religious conversion and doubts, and the need for a deeper, more substantive discussion about the role of faith in American life.
This is from his defense section. Doesn't sound like he is going to end any wars does it? What is he planning?
Expand to Meet Military Needs on the Ground: Barack Obama and Joe Biden support plans to increase the size of the Army by 65,000 soldiers and the Marines by 27,000 troops. Increasing our end strength will help units retrain and re-equip properly between deployments and decrease the strain on military families.
I will keep the review up later. Two sections I have read raised numerous red flags! How about you?
Big Brother Obama
Dan Riehl over at Riehl World View brought this to my attention. . Scroll down to the part about Joe the plumber and look at "a quick run of computer databases". This is frightening if not illegal. Obama actually used government databases conveniently supplied by the Democrats in power in Ohio. Why is the media not all over this? Our future does not look good.
The End of Conservatives?
Do you think there will be any conservative wins in the next decade? Think again. With Obama's organizing tactics and the theft of elections that is happening right under your nose, , we will end up in the USSA. Read this article by Quin Hiyller over at American Spectator, . With the House, Senate (almost filibuster proof) and the executive branch clearly in the hands of the far left, conservatism may be grounds for prison. I truly believe that is coming. Check out www. This is Obama's new website, truly scary and it is what is coming. Remember citizens, you heard Obama say some of this, his wifey said some of it. This is the hope and change that is coming and individual freedom will be gone. Your guns will be confiscated. Bloggers like myself will be prisoned. I will not submit. As Charlton Heston said, "from my cold dead hands".
Goodbye, Hello
The buzz I have seen around the blogs this morning is Have you seen it? Look at MM, I agree with others it suspiciously smells like a fundraising site. The mandated community service caught my eye. Is this the move towards Alinsky style organizing or brainwashing? Is this the hope and change people voted for? Ed at HotAir has numerous questions Good reads.
A Good Man?
Read a good article this morning and I have to agree with Beldar. Take a look;
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Dow Jones Dives
Thank you America, well at least half of you. My 401k is sinking, like the Titanic on a cool autumn night. Can you kiddies guess the cause? You betcha! Obama,,,,,,, This is the way it works. Investors see cap gains tax increase coming, they pull out and sell. Investors see policies Obama is promising, they pull out and sell. Unfortunately, I cannot pull out and sell. I plan to quit my position soon, just so I can retrieve what little remains. Heck with twenty six weeks of unemployment to enjoy and more coming, I could get use to the redistribution of wealth, if there is any left. Once again, thank all the Obama voters.
Support Obama?
WPTA asked viewers this morning if they were going to have a kum ba yah moment, come together and support Obama. They wanted responses via there website. The response I heard was a typical uniformed supporter. Did this supporter know Obama said the following: “Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old,” he said. “I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby. I don’t want them punished with an STD at age 16, so it doesn’t make sense to not give them information.” He said this in Pennsylvania during the primaries. What does this statement say about this man. It says that he is cold hearted, has no respect for life after conception. I have a beautiful granddaughter and I could not bring myself to imagine how anyone would want to kill their grandchild. This man will. And you elected him for POTUS. Watch your babies around this man.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A Letter to Govenor Palin
Governor Palin
First I would like to thank you. You raised a sinking ship to float again. You energized us, the base. We went to work for you, made phone calls, went door to door and donated time and money to help you. I asked nothing in return. Our country needs you at a time like this.
Second, do not go anywhere. We want you on the top of the ticket in 2012. Conservatism will win for you. The message McCain brings with him is bipartisanship and that is an ugly word to a conservative. You can bring Democrats to vote for you with conservative ideals. That is how Reagan won. That is how Prop 8 won in California.
Thirdly, watch out for Romney. I know his ex staff are behind the negatives we are hearing and you can bet he is raising cash. Stay on the conservative message.
Stay focused on conservative ideals. That will win you the election.
The President elect will never make it to a second term with his ideology. He ran to the left, a little to the center and got the vote. His shine will dull soon. His ideology will start to show through. More and more will be found out about him. Start your opposition research now. Dig deeper. Ayers, Wright, Phegler, etc. will help him. Have spies ready. Keep it for 2012. Surprise the electorate. Save the best for October. We know you know how to win and can do it. Yes you can.
First I would like to thank you. You raised a sinking ship to float again. You energized us, the base. We went to work for you, made phone calls, went door to door and donated time and money to help you. I asked nothing in return. Our country needs you at a time like this.
Second, do not go anywhere. We want you on the top of the ticket in 2012. Conservatism will win for you. The message McCain brings with him is bipartisanship and that is an ugly word to a conservative. You can bring Democrats to vote for you with conservative ideals. That is how Reagan won. That is how Prop 8 won in California.
Thirdly, watch out for Romney. I know his ex staff are behind the negatives we are hearing and you can bet he is raising cash. Stay on the conservative message.
Stay focused on conservative ideals. That will win you the election.
The President elect will never make it to a second term with his ideology. He ran to the left, a little to the center and got the vote. His shine will dull soon. His ideology will start to show through. More and more will be found out about him. Start your opposition research now. Dig deeper. Ayers, Wright, Phegler, etc. will help him. Have spies ready. Keep it for 2012. Surprise the electorate. Save the best for October. We know you know how to win and can do it. Yes you can.
Reporting from Indiana
Cuffy Meigs from Indiana. We are waiting for the new administration to take office and fix our economy. Welsey Mouch, myself and Wet Nurse will be supervising. The Looters will be busy as well. The people need the money to fix our economy but there are no jobs for them. The only way to fix the economy is to give the people money to spend, create jobs. We can print all the money needed, do not worry. James Taggart will provide railroad jobs. We'll run trains even if they have no freight. Orren Boyle will provide steel manufacturing jobs. We'll pour steel even if there is no demand. The Moochers will be around to watch over operations. Bertrum Scudder will report daily on progress of the new administration. This is it, the change we believe in.
Will you support the President Elect?
He is my president, but I do not think I can support his policies. His centrist platform will not make it in Congress. I think he may be Carter's 2nd term. With the egos of Pelosi and Reid, I think there will be a lurch to the left and Obama will sign legislation.
Things to see passed next year:
Things to see passed next year:
- Union card check, no secret voting
- Offshore drilling ban
- More bailouts, auto industry, more banks, bailouts to states
- Reduction in military spending
- Fairness doctrine
- Windfall profit tax
- Stimulus packages
President Elect Obama
Yes, he won. He is my president and your president for the next four years. I fear for our country. Although his campaign was run on a centrist platform, does anybody know which direction he will take? With what little is known about him, nobody can be sure. With Marxist friends, Ayers, racist preachers, Wright, Pfleger, Otis Moss and his Palestinian loving professors, Khalidi, you can imagine what ideology Obama has. The question I have is, with do friends like that see in Obama? That is where I would start to worry.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Pat White,,,,,,,,,
I sent an email to Pat White, afternoon guy on WOWO, the big talk radio for northern Indiana. He was telling the audience that Obama is going to win at around 4 p.m. I said he should shut up because he could possibly keep people away from voting figuring why should they vote if Obama has it won. That is not the right thing to do but I do not think he gets it or does Andy Oeber, the news director. In a tight race such as what we have here in Indiana, every vote is needed. When I called in to respond, his call screener agreed with me but could not get me on the air to publicly debate him. I understand, he has to move on but this is just like calling the election early in the east when the west is still voting. If Pat White cannot see the intelligence in not saying what he did, need I say more!
The Last Eight Years
I just read an article titled "World hopes for a 'less arrogant America" It was just another hype piece for Obama. I want to ask, who cares what the world thinks of America? We know the majority of muslims hate us and wish to kill us. We know euros hate us but have to put up with us. That is about all the article mentions. Forgot to ask the people on the continent of Africa who benefited from President Bush's response to the aids epidemic on the African continent. President Bush will have a great legacy with the work he did over there. They did not ask the people of Iraq and Afghanistan what the hoped for. I bet they hope we stay in their countries until violence comes to an end. The article mentions how they want an America who will compromise versus confrontation. That sounds strikingly familar, like the Clinton administration. Let's see, Twin Towers bombed, two embassies in Africa bombed, USS Cole attacked, etc. Clinton compromised with his dunce Albright and look what it got. President Bush has given us seven years with no attacks. He has kept you safe. The muslims especially want a "universal political attitude". Why on earth would we care? With Obama, your freedoms will diminish. I strongly believe this man is capable of turning to facism. He is almost there. Wake up America. Vote today.
Great news fellow citizens. Hillary is talking politics within 5 feet of voting booths. The Black Panthers are making sure "a black man is going to win this election" in Philadelphia. College students registered to vote in Ohio and Georgia. Looks like the One's minions are the usual suspects. Why is it every four years you hear about this and it is always in favor of the Democrat nominee? Why? Because Democrats cannot win on ideas. Here in Fort Wayne we have an unknown running for the Congressional 3rd district who is for guns, low taxes, no abortions, etc. Sounds like a conservative but this is the dog and pony show the Democrats did in 2006. They call them Blue Dog Dems on the Hill and Pelosi runs the house with an iron hand. Get out and vote. Let's put McCain and Palin in office.
Obama and Atlas Shrugged
If Senator Obama is chosen today, I see the socialism Ayn Rand abhors coming to our great country. The more important observation is there are plenty of people who want it. What does that say to way I was raised, to study hard, get good grades, work hard and succeed. Isn't that the American dream? That is what I have done and now it is threatened by a socialist. Isn't that what Ayn escaped from? I fear for our country.
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