I heard this report on the news this morning. Dr. Hicks is speaking the truth, it is just a bailout for the UAW. Orville Plumlee has also had a lot more airtime threatening us. It's the same talking points with all the UAW workers they give airtime to. What they fail to mention is how the contract they have with their employees is the main reason for the failure. I could less care about how they are going to suffer and people will lose their jobs if they continue to support their union versus giving concessions to the US taxpayers.
The automakers were rolling in dough until the fuel prices hit the ceiling. SUV's, trucks, minivans were making them money. The fuel prices brought less demand for their product and they had little to offer in the way of fuel efficient vehicles. The financial mess the demoncrats created helped further the downfall. If people cannot get loans, sales are miserable. The dealers have a hard time getting inventory because they cannot get credit. No sales equals no revenue. No business could survive and most go out of business. But because the unions gave and helped elect our house negro, the legislature in Washington will bail them out. They will raise our taxes and everybody on Wall Street knows it. That is why the stock market has been tanking since the house negro got elected. Elections have consequences and folks, this is what is going to keep happening until half of the electorate wake up.
Illegal alien thieves kill man who saw them
18 minutes ago
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