Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Another house negro
I heard the comments Colin Powell made about Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin on CNN. I try to listen to Rush daily. Yesterday he gave Powell both barrels. And well deserved I might add. Rush is right on Powell, McCain and the whole bunch of "moderate" Republicans. I had to hold my nose to vote for McCain. Powell is just another house negro looking to suck up to the incoming POTUS. This whole Washington crowd needs to go, the politicians, media, staffs, etc. Just another racist attack by a member of the most racist organization in the country, the democratic party.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
As Predicted
As predicted in my Dec. 9th post, Souder voted for the bailout for the UAW. Great news for taxpayers. We are paying for UAW worker's job banks. A nifty little program where UAW members who are not working get paid 95% of their normal pay to sit at the union hall. We are paying for UAW retiree's health care packages. Funny thing, I have to pay for mine. We are paying for a badly managed business. Souder is so much smarter than us. He voted for the financial bailout and who knows what has happened to that money. Congress certainly doesn't.
Gov. Mitch had a great comment this morning. He calls a spade a spade. While our house negro is under a cloud of suspicion, Congress is giving away the farm. I believe it is time to arm ourselves and get rid of this government. Pretty soon we will be the USSA if we are not already. Read Atlas Shrugged, it is all coming true.
Gov. Mitch had a great comment this morning. He calls a spade a spade. While our house negro is under a cloud of suspicion, Congress is giving away the farm. I believe it is time to arm ourselves and get rid of this government. Pretty soon we will be the USSA if we are not already. Read Atlas Shrugged, it is all coming true.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
A Professor with Guts
I heard this report on the news this morning. Dr. Hicks is speaking the truth, it is just a bailout for the UAW. Orville Plumlee has also had a lot more airtime threatening us. It's the same talking points with all the UAW workers they give airtime to. What they fail to mention is how the contract they have with their employees is the main reason for the failure. I could less care about how they are going to suffer and people will lose their jobs if they continue to support their union versus giving concessions to the US taxpayers.
The automakers were rolling in dough until the fuel prices hit the ceiling. SUV's, trucks, minivans were making them money. The fuel prices brought less demand for their product and they had little to offer in the way of fuel efficient vehicles. The financial mess the demoncrats created helped further the downfall. If people cannot get loans, sales are miserable. The dealers have a hard time getting inventory because they cannot get credit. No sales equals no revenue. No business could survive and most go out of business. But because the unions gave and helped elect our house negro, the legislature in Washington will bail them out. They will raise our taxes and everybody on Wall Street knows it. That is why the stock market has been tanking since the house negro got elected. Elections have consequences and folks, this is what is going to keep happening until half of the electorate wake up.
The automakers were rolling in dough until the fuel prices hit the ceiling. SUV's, trucks, minivans were making them money. The fuel prices brought less demand for their product and they had little to offer in the way of fuel efficient vehicles. The financial mess the demoncrats created helped further the downfall. If people cannot get loans, sales are miserable. The dealers have a hard time getting inventory because they cannot get credit. No sales equals no revenue. No business could survive and most go out of business. But because the unions gave and helped elect our house negro, the legislature in Washington will bail them out. They will raise our taxes and everybody on Wall Street knows it. That is why the stock market has been tanking since the house negro got elected. Elections have consequences and folks, this is what is going to keep happening until half of the electorate wake up.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Bend over folks, gird your loins,,,,,
Well, it looks like it is on. Souder flew back to Washington today after spending two days at the GM truck plant last week. I bet he got a lot of good ideas out there. Bayh was out yesterday supporting the administrations idea of one person overseeing the restructuring. Sounds like both will be supporting this massive expenditure of our tax dollars on failed business. The UAW has not offered any concessions and probably will not. When the foreign automakers in this country can turn a profit and these three cannot, the problem is within. This bailout is to pay the UAW retirees health benefits, the UAW workers who do not work but get 95% of their pay. That is what your tax dollars are buying. There is nothing we can do to stop this. If you complain to Souder and demand he not vote for legislation as did the majority of NE Indiana, he will not listen to a majority of his constituents. Lugar will set by the sidelines and waddle his way through. He is another that needs to retire. Remember, elections have consequences and the socialism will only grow when the house negro takes office.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Springsteen, go away
I keep hearing Bruce Springsteen's Christmas songs on WMEE, a station playing Christmas songs 24/7. Springsteen's free concerts/vote parties for our house negro during the election makes me turn the radio off when I hear his songs. Scroll down to his speech in Cleveland. Where does he get the idea of "The right of every American to a job, a living wage, to be educated in a decent school, to a life filled with the dignity of work, promise, and the sanctity of home"? Where in the Bill of Rights do we have these guarantees? He is just another socialist, a communist with a small c. I never did like his music and especially his attitude. I cannot figure out how he can make any political statement with his limited intelligence but the democratic national committee probably supplies him with talking points. He had a song I remember from the start of the MTV era called Born in the USA. He wrapped himself in the flag in that video because that sold his music. He is no patriot and he has proven that time and time again. His songwriting abilities are nothing to write home about. I guess his concerts are what drives his popularity. You hardly ever hear his music being played on the radio and I bet our house negro does not have him on his iPod. Can we just wish him an early retirement. These 60 year old ex rock stars need to go away.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanks, house negro
So, George S. thinks the house negro is responsible for the upturn in the stock market last week and the 3% sales increase on Black Friday. Are we going to have to start calling it african american Friday? Ace had an article linked to this. Will the house negro be blamed for today's 680+ point drop? NO, let's blame Bush instead. If it has a small increase, credit the house negro. Like Ace said, the house negro is pulling some stunts to benefit him and any person with a brain can tell you the sell off is due a new incoming administration promising tax increases.
Alex Witt, MSNBC anchor, thought since half the country voted for the house negro, terrorism would come to a screeching halt. What planet are liberals living on. Wait until our house negro surrenders to Islam. The Sharia laws will be especially hard on the free wheeling happy go lucky libs, the homosexuals, the drug addicted black culture, etc. I am just amazed at how truly idiotic these college educated people are. But of course I see that almost everyday at a four-way stop intersection here in Fort Wayne, the one by Cherry Hills and Arlington Park. Yeah, those educated idiots out there.
H/T Ace
H/T Ace
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