Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Still Changing

Obama is making numerous mistakes. Is this the hope and change the other half of the country voted for? First let's get to the press conference last Friday.

Obama was asked at his press conference today if he’d spoken to all the “living” presidents.
“I have spoken to all of them who are living,” he responded. “I didn’t want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any seances.”

How arrogant can a person be? Well he had to call and apologize. Just one of those talking before thinking.

Change.gov was a total mistake. His agenda was ridiculed by the right bloggers. Now the agenda page is MIA. No more details. Obama could not keep changing the policies. Also this is nothing more than a fund raising site. Obama has set up his own transition fund. I am not an expert of the tax exempt organization rules, but this smells.

This we heard yesterday. According to the AP, Obama's legal advisers told the AP that he planned to close Guantanamo and try all of the detainees in federal courts. Then he backtracked on that and said he is not.

This shows that Obama is incapable of running an executive office. He cannot control what his staff says and what they do. This is especially frightening. This is the change we are getting. We are screwed,,,,,,,

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