Tuesday, March 24, 2009

This GOP Disgusts Me!

I have had it with the national GOP in general. Some are telling VP Dick Cheney to quit the interviews. The two mentioned in the article are also two of the eighty five turncoat representatives who voted for the additional tax on recipients of the AIG retention bonuses. Somebody has got to point out the negatives about Obama, the press is not. Obama sure is busy telling everyone he "inherited" the economic mess or "the fact that-- you are often confronted with bad choices that flow from less than optimal decisions made a year ago, two years ago, five years ago, when you weren't here" as told on his 60 minutes interview. He was in the Senate, well some of the time, voting on alot of this. I call Rep. Souder and ask his staff why isn't anyone rebutting what Obama is saying? Why isn't anyone standing up, getting some backbone and firing back? You know what they told me, "we have to work with the Democrats". Yeah, like they work with you, remember the stimulus bill Markie? Well Dick Cheney finally said something. I like Dick Cheney.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Head Moron in Charge

Obama is flying Air Force One to California today so he can appear on Jay Leno's show. Let me get this straight, the economy is in the tank, his treasury secretary cannot keep up with business because he doesn't have his deputies in place, etc. but he has the gall to do this. This guy cannot keep wasting our tax dollars on his permanent campaign. I guess he needs to change the story so people forget his administration is as incompetent as he is. If you follow the links on the cost to operate AF1, read the third comment on the first link, that is great thinking.

You must tune into Rush. He is on Obama about the teleprompter. It is hilarious.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


YOU IDIOTS! I have had it with this group of people running our country. Everybody is soooo outraged at the bonuses for AIG execs. To save their political face, you hear the condemnations of it. I especially liked the letter Edward Liddy penned to Obama. It is in your face and I am happy he said what he did. If Obama, his mouthpieces, senators, legilators did not want the bonuses, why didn't they let them go bankrupt? Why did they give them money to keep in business, to be obligated to the employees under contract?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Your Two Faced President

Obama had his little speech on reversing Bush's policy of limiting stem cells for research. Bush's argument for this was in my opinion because of his religion. Religion does have a part in policy making. Charles Krauthammer wrote an on the spot column about this last Friday. The column points out the "intellectually laziness" and "the moral arrogance" of Obama. In one speech he stated "restoring scientific integrity to government decision-making" which states Bush's policies were ideological, political and religious but his are scientific. As Charles points out and what really pisses me off is he then bans cloning. Huh? Seems even Obama is making policy because of ideology, politics and religious beliefs. This man just thinks everybody is so stupid and will not catch on to his two faced approach to this. Hopefully high crimes and misdemeanors will follow soon. And by the way, I WANT OBAMA TO FAIL!

Friday, March 13, 2009

A Cold Heart

Obama is one cold hearted person. His value of life is non existant. He had his little speech on the stem cell research and told the world how ideology had stopped this research. He said science must be put ahead of ideology. Then he bans cloning??? Isn't that putting ideology ahead of science? The whole idea of destroying an embryo for science is scary. What if science tells Obama the best stem cells come from 60 month old fetuses? What will he do then? This man said he doesn't want to punish his daughters with a baby if they make a mistake. This man voted several times for the practice of infanticide. He is a cold killer.

Tea Party

If anyone is interested in attending a tax tea party on April 15th, leave your comment here or on my Facebook page. I am also looking for donors for professional signs, permits, etc. if anyone can help. We need to defeat Obama's policies and sticking together, protesting, calling, calling and more calling will keep our elected officials on our side.

Monday, March 9, 2009

I Too Want Obama to Fail!

I too want Obama to fail. I am not surprised at all by the policies he brings to the table. His policies will not only attack our wallets, rich and poor alike, but it will also attack our freedoms. His cap and trade policy will force everyone to pay more for energy. The energy you put in your gas tank, the energy you heat your house with, the energy you turn your lights on with. His tax the rich and cut deductions policy will hurt. Who provides the majority of jobs in this country? Small businesses. There is a movement for people in this bracket to stop hiring, stop creating, stop achieving. Why would they want to when Obama will rob them and give to people with less. His soon to be stem cell policy will kill babies. Some will argue an embryo is not life but it could be. Obama himself stated he would not want to punish his daughters with a baby if they make a mistake. How cold is a statement like that. He authored infanticide legislation while a state senator in Illinois. That is stone cold. These are a few, there are many.

Once these policies are enacted, will you be free to buy any type of vehicle you want? Will you be free to drive anywhere you want? Will you be free to keep your thermostat where you want it set? Will you be free to run your business as you want to run it? Think about it, there are many more, more freedoms lost.

Bottom line is all us can expect to pay more for everything. This type of policy making will only cost us money and freedoms. Is everyone who voted for this socialist happy now?