I too want Obama to fail. I am not surprised at all by the policies he brings to the table. His policies will not only attack our wallets, rich and poor alike, but it will also attack our freedoms. His cap and trade policy will force everyone to pay more for energy. The energy you put in your gas tank, the energy you heat your house with, the energy you turn your lights on with. His tax the rich and cut deductions policy will hurt. Who provides the majority of jobs in this country? Small businesses. There is a movement for people in this bracket to stop hiring, stop creating, stop achieving. Why would they want to when Obama will rob them and give to people with less. His soon to be stem cell policy will kill babies. Some will argue an embryo is not life but it could be. Obama himself stated he would not want to punish his daughters with a baby if they make a mistake. How cold is a statement like that. He authored infanticide legislation while a state senator in Illinois. That is stone cold. These are a few, there are many.
Once these policies are enacted, will you be free to buy any type of vehicle you want? Will you be free to drive anywhere you want? Will you be free to keep your thermostat where you want it set? Will you be free to run your business as you want to run it? Think about it, there are many more, more freedoms lost.
Bottom line is all us can expect to pay more for everything. This type of policy making will only cost us money and freedoms. Is everyone who voted for this socialist happy now?
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