Obama had his little speech on reversing Bush's policy of limiting stem cells for research. Bush's argument for this was in my opinion because of his religion. Religion does have a part in policy making. Charles Krauthammer wrote an on the spot column about this last Friday. The column points out the "intellectually laziness" and "the moral arrogance" of Obama. In one speech he stated "restoring scientific integrity to government decision-making" which states Bush's policies were ideological, political and religious but his are scientific. As Charles points out and what really pisses me off is he then bans cloning. Huh? Seems even Obama is making policy because of ideology, politics and religious beliefs. This man just thinks everybody is so stupid and will not catch on to his two faced approach to this. Hopefully high crimes and misdemeanors will follow soon. And by the way, I WANT OBAMA TO FAIL!
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